Frequently Asked Question

(3) Adding Private Group Users
Last Updated 3 years ago

A CMS Admin will need to add any app users that will be able to log in on the app to see anything classified as viewable only by a private group.

  1. Log into the CMS portal at with your admin information.
  2. Click "Users & Groups" in the top menu or go to
  3. Click the "Add User" button in blue.
  4. A new screen pops up that let's you enter information for the user, "App User Information".
  5. Name and Email are the only required fields but feel free to fill in more if you like.
  6. Click the "Submit" button in blue.
  7. The user will receive an email with their password.
  8. Go to the list of users. Click on the user you wish to assign to a specific group. Scroll down and click the checkbox next to the name of anyone that will be in the private group.
  9. Repeat these steps for every user you want to login to your app

The first time a user logins into the app they will be asked if they want to reset this password. If they forget their password, they can also have a new one emailed to them.


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