Frequently Asked Question

Community Plus - (18) App Analytics
Last Updated 3 years ago


The menu can be located by Logging in to CMS with CMS Admin Credentials at

There are two URLs that you can go to to access your app's analytics. You will first need to log in to your agency's CMS. Once you've logged in, copy and paste one of these URL's into your address bar.

To view overall Installs / Sessions / Unique Devices go to:

To view specific menu Item visits go to:

A few notes:

App Installs is how many devices have downloaded the app.

App Opens is one use of the application by a user. This begins when the application is launched and ends when the application is terminated. Note that the definition of session does not depend on how many screens are viewed in the application or how long the application is used.

An Active User is defined as a user that has had at least one session with your application during a given time period. If a user launches more than one session during a given period, they will only be counted once.

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