Frequently Asked Question
STEP 1 - Login in to CMS with CMS Admin Credentials at
STEP 2 - Click the “Content” tab and select “Tips”
STEP 3 - Click the “Issues” tab.
To add a new Tip Type:
STEP 1 - Click “Add New”
STEP 2 - Add the tip type and check the box for the menu item that this will appear on. For “Email” add in the email recipients who will get a notification when a tip from this type is submitted. To add multiple recipients just separate each email address with a comma. Then click “Submit”
To edit email recipients on existing tip types:
STEP 1 - Click The pencil icon next to the tip type
STEP 2 - Edit the email addresses. To add multiple recipients just separate them by a comma.
Part 2 - Adding Tips to the main menu
STEP 1 - Click the Menus tab, then the “Add New” button
STEP 2 - Add the title and description. For “Item Type” select “Tips”
STEP 3 - Select Tip Types. You can choose from different tip types that will require contact information or allow anonymous tips
STEP 4 - Click “Save Changes”